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Playworks Husky Recess

Husky Playworks: Improving the recess experience for all! 

  • Playworks is a school-wide effort to enhance recess by encouraging safety, inclusion, more fun, and energy. We want students to come in from the playground feeling rejuvenated with positive experiences that carryover to the classroom. 
  • The Playworks program creates a place for every child on the playground that is safe where they can play, thrive and contribute. While this is not replacing all free play, it is offering more structured choices that are super fun and have clear rules. For example: Playworks Soccer allows a rotation which gives more play time for all kids!
  • Playworks will maintain and incorporate competitive activities into recess, but strives to do so in a developmentally appropriate way. We want to work to teach rules, post rules, & teach kids how to get along. 
  • Playworks provides our school with the equipment needed to successfully run their games/activities! Students are asked to leave recess equipment such as soccer balls, footballs, tennis/racquetballs, and basketballs at home.