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Greeley-Evans Leader Named 2025 Colorado Superintendent of the Year

Congrats, Dr. Pilch! 2025 Superintendent of the Year

The Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) announced today that Dr. Deirdre Pilch of Greeley-Evans School District 6 has been named 2025 Colorado Superintendent of the Year.

DENVER — The Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) announced today that Dr. Deirdre Pilch of Greeley-Evans School District 6 has been named 2025 Colorado Superintendent of the Year. Dr. Pilch was selected by a committee of former award winners and superintendents through a competitive process. She will represent Colorado in the 2025 School Superintendents Association’s National Superintendent of the Year program and is eligible for that award as the state’s honoree.

With nearly four decades’ experience in public education, Dr. Pilch is unflagging in her dedication to ensuring equity and access for all students. Greeley-Evans is the fifteenth largest district in Colorado and serves as a refugee resettlement community with over 60 different languages spoken, and over 70% of students living in poverty.

One of her early accomplishments as superintendent was overhauling Greely-Evans’ English Language Learner program to address low achievement and growth rates among that student group. Dr. Pilch spearheaded a comprehensive new English Learner Master Plan that offered a strong continuum of services for multilingual learners (ML) and provided in-depth training for teachers to successfully implement these new offerings. The results were powerful: there was an 87 percent increase in the number of ML students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses, a 19 percent increase in the number of ML students identified as Gifted and Talented, and a graduation rate increase of ML students of more than 13 percent. The Greeley-Evans’ graduation rate of this student group now outperforms the state average for the same sub-group.

Another hallmark of Dr. Pilch’s leadership is her skill in bringing together groups of people with disparate views. One of her first acts as a superintendent was to begin repairing the relationship with the educator’s union, when contract negotiations had reached a near impasse. She has worked diligently to build trust in the community and build relationships and partnerships that eventually expanded opportunities for students. Just two years after Dr. Pilch was hired, District 6 passed its first Mill Levy Override for additional operational dollars in 2017. Two years later, voters approved a $395 million Bond Issue, which replaced two buildings, constructed a new K-8 school, funded significant additions at several schools and provided much-need security upgrades and renovations at every Distirct 6 school, including charter schools.

Colleagues praise Dr. Pilch for her value around authentic dialogue and collaboration among groups with differing viewpoints. “Ultimately, we all share the desire that our students receive a strong public education and the support they need to succeed,” she said. “That’s far more powerful than the issues that divide us.”

The Superintendent of the Year selection committee noted that this year’s award process was particularly competitive with a number of outstanding nominees. One of the things that stood out to the committee is Dr. Pilch’s long-standing advocacy not just for her own school district, but for every district in the state. They were impressed by her outspoken championing for public education, and passion for continuing to raise the bar and improve student services and supports.

“Deirdre has such a heart for students and at her core, believes every single one deserves to find joy in learning,” said Dr. Greg Rabenhorst, superintendent and chair of the selection committee. “Her vision is that educators help kids discover what they are good at and the areas in which they excel, so that they have the skills and confidence to succeed, no matter their background or where they live.”

The Greeley-Evans School District echoed their admiration and appreciation for Dr. Pilch.

“Dr. Pilch is an extraordinary leader. She has changed the trajectory of our district and in turn, the lives of our students and families,” said Board of Education President Michael Mathews. “We are incredibly grateful to have Dr. Pilch as our superintendent and are very proud that she is being honored as Superintendent of the Year.”

Dr. Pilch stated that the Superintendent of the Year honor is an honor for the entire Greeley-Evans community, and well-deserved recognition for every educator in the district. “Our community and educators collectively work so hard to be sure our students receive a strong education, and I’m so proud to lead those efforts. Colorado has truly remarkable K-12 leaders, and to be able to sit among them and hopefully elevate the importance of public education, is truly an honor.”

Dr. Pilch will be recognized by CASE in the upcoming weeks in her district and celebrated as Colorado’s 2025 Superintendent of the Year at the AASA National Conference on Education in March 2025. As the state winner, she will be considered for the 2025 National Superintendent of the Year award.
