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Our School

Mission Statement

Ann K. Heiman is a place where each member of the community learns, is valued, and feels respected.  It's a WE thing! 

Vision Statement

We believe that the most promising strategy for achieving the mission of Ann K. Heiman is to develop as a professional learning community focused on: 

  • LEARNING that is challenging, valued, collaborative, engaging, and acquiring skills and tools to learn.
  • ALL LEARNERS getting what they need at the right time.
  • Standards based TEACHING that is purposeful, flexible, innovative, research based, and data driven.
  • Developing SOCIAL SKILLS that foster respect, responsibility, relationships, self efficacy, and accountability.
  • Recognizing, embracing, and honoring DIVERSITY.
  • Creating a CLIMATE that is welcoming, safe, positive, and inclusive.

School Information

Address  3500 Palermo Ave, Evans, CO 80620
Phone  970-348-2400
Fax  970-348-2430
Office Hours  7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
School Hours

 Monday 8:40 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

 Tuesday - Friday 7:40 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.



Anne Ramirez


Jennifer Meredith