Ann K. Heiman Elementary School is a school dedicated to creating a successful learning environment for all students through a system of Positive Behavior Support. We are in our 12th year of being a PBIS school. In all grades and all classrooms we use the PBIS system to encourage and develop problem solving skills and good behaviors.
There are four basic guidelines for students to follow at Ann K. Heiman.
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Kind
These guidelines of behavior are introduced to children at all grade levels and students are taught to apply them, not just in the classroom, but in all areas of our building and our school grounds. When students follow these basic rules positive rewards, recognition, and self-satisfaction result.
We use a problem solving approach to help correct poor choices students sometimes make. This includes:
Clearly define the problem
Help the student see his or her responsibility for the problem
Consider appropriate consequences
Make a plan for how the problem can be avoided in the future
A range of consequences to help the student learn and implement more appropriate choices may include loss of privileges during the school day and recess, visiting the principal, calling parents, detention, and restitution for damages caused.
Here is a link to the District 6 Response to Behaviors document